12. My Applications to Universities in Four Countries

From the list of 10 countries and universities, I have considered 4 countries for my higher studies and made my MSc/ PhD applications according to the criteria of those respective universities. Thus, a total of 7 applications to 4 countries made by me. Among them, 3 applications were already successful while 1 application was in pending status and 3 of them were not successful. University Details of Application Outcome Details of Outcome Australia / Application type - Direct PhD / Duration in years (average) – 4 University A (Times world ranking < 50) An interview with the supervisor was held initially. After the supervisor’s willingness to be my supervisor, the application was made. Automatic consideration for Research Training Program Scholarship (Stipend and Fee Offset) when the application was made. Pending Even after 1 year after submitting the application, I was on the waiting...