13. Additional Resources and Tools

There are various resources you can refer to during the path of getting a higher study opportunity. Some web resources I know/used may be also useful for you. Some of them are websites or blogs while others are social media resources (basically Facebook groups and youtube channels). Sometimes, getting updates on scholarships at one platform is easier for students who do not fix their minds about particular universities or scholarships. In such cases, some students like to find scholarships from a database or social media groups to get the awareness of ongoing scholarships. Some examples I have known/used are given below. For getting updates on scholarships in many countries Websites: https://www.scholarshipportal.com/ https://www.scholars4dev.com/6268/top-10-scholarships-for-international-students/ https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus/library/scholarships-catalogue_en Facebook private/public groups: Scholarships - 2021-2022! International S...